A personal studio, accessible all of the time, assures you of a professionally-recorded product which is on time, every time. Technical difficulties are almost always eliminated because of:

Duplicate Mac-based computer systems
Duplicate outboard hard drives
Duplicate audio boards
Duplicate monitoring systems
Duplicate back up power for computers

Quality equipment includes:

Neumann TLM 49 microphone
Aphex 207 pre-amp
Symetrix voice processor
BBE 482 Sonic Maximizer
Yamaha MX 12/4 audio board
ProTools M-Box
2 Mac computer systems
Gentner Phone Patch (see below)
Musicam Roadrunner ISDN


Recording is done in ProTools using 24-bit processing, and the following delivery methods are currently available:

E-Files via FTP posting and email attachment in the following formats:

  • MP3
  • AIFF
  • WAVE

Hard copy via USPS or client pick-up:

  • CD-R
  • DVD-R

Phone Patch

There is no need to be here if you would like to direct your session. Your session can be conducted using a professional-grade 2-way phone patching system. Simply place your call, you’re patched directly into the audio board and both parties communicate as though they were in the same room. The phone patch is much more cost effective than ISDN and anyone can use it. All you need is a telephone!

Clients also have the option to record Tom Buck at another studio of their choosing in the Sacramento or San Francisco, CA regions, schedule permitting.

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